
Fleet efficiency: Four tips for stress-free fleet operations

Pivotal to the success of any business is the need to optimise performance. As any successful operations director will know, getting your workforce and goods from A to B safely and cost-effectively is no straightforward task.

With so many processes, procedures and tasks competing for your attention, an inefficient fleet can quickly become a costly problem, sapping your time and impacting on the bottom line. Even with a fleet manager in post, if you don’t have the right systems in place, your fleet could be holding both you and your business back.

So, what you can do to make your life easier?

These four fleet-hacks should make all the difference:

1. Cut the data

Traditional telematics solutions are all very well, but they eat up time, require deep data analysis and provide a rear-view mirror on driving performance, at best.

By contrast, in-cab devices that use live engine data to coach drivers address issues before they become a problem, such as harsh acceleration. That saves on fuel and reduces accidents. Plus, you don’t have to pore over data for hours to identify and address issues, because they’ve already been dealt with.

It’s the future of fleet management.

2. Reward drivers for being better

Positive competition and recognition amongst drivers is always a good thing, especially if that enhances better driving. But could you be making more of this in your business?

Just imagine for a moment that you’ve been working a long shift delivering goods to clients. It’s easy to slip into bad habits but if rewards are at stake, such as cash or cool consumer tech, well that’s a different matter; that’s good reason to keep you focused.

It’s also good reason for operations directors to consider how rewards can be used to transform fleet performance.

3. Find more ways to engage your drivers

Research has shown that engaged drivers are better, safer drivers. They’re typically involved in 40% fewer accidents and can use up to 15% less fuel compared to unengaged drivers.

So, finding more ways to engage your drivers makes total sense.

Think about inter-office leagues, where drivers can see their performance compared to colleagues; positive rivalry always works well. Or maybe give them access to tech or an app that gives them benefits and discounts when they hit their KPIs.

4. Stop managing drivers and let them manage themselves

It sounds counter-intuitive, but if you give drivers the tech and the right incentives, they’ll manage themselves without the need for hands-on management. Stoke competitive efficiency through leagues, rewards and prize draws linked to driving style and you’ll reap the benefits day-in and day-out, freeing you and your team to focus on the other aspects of the business; all while keeping fleet overheads in check.

Find out more about how rewards and in-cab tech could help your business. Download our e-guide today.

Or, if you’d prefer a chat, call us on 01392 340 419.