
Comex 2000 on target to cut over 2750 tonnes of CO2 from fleet following Lightfoot installation

Leading telecoms infrastructure services provider Comex 2000, which counts Virgin Media O2, Zayo, Community Fibre and Gigaclear amongst its customers, has announced the full roll-out of Lightfoot’s in-cab coaching, rewards, and progressive telematics platform across its fleet of 700 vans, to help cut fuel bills, emissions, and accidents on the road

Successfully trialled in 254 vehicles over two months, Lightfoot’s driver-focused technology succeeded in improving MPG by 8.3% at the same time as reducing idling by 7% and emissions by more than 8%. This was made possible through Lightfoot’s smart in-cab technology, which uses nudge psychology to guide drivers to a style of driving that’s smoother and safer, resulting in lower emissions and less fuel use. 

Combined with Lightfoot’s smartphone rewards app and competitive driver leagues, Comex 2000 is now on target to cut its carbon footprint by more than 2,756 tonnes over the next five years, at the same time as reducing fuel use across its fleet of vans by more than 1 million litres.  

That’s the equivalent to:  

  • saving the amount of CO2 created by boiling 107.5m kettles 
  • saving the amount of carbon consumed by 131,000 adult trees 
  • over 215,000 electric car charges (based on a 55kwh EV)                
  • the savings produced by converting 330 vehicles to EVs                                                 

Committed to understanding, managing, and minimising its impact on the local and global environment, Comex 2000 has a policy of understanding and monitoring current emissions so that carbon reduction targets can be set within the business, and results can be shared with clients. Lightfoot delivered on this by establishing a benchmark of existing driving styles during ‘blind trials’, a direct comparison once its in-cab dashboard-mounted coaching devices went live, and ongoing weekly performance reports. 

Commenting on the adoption of Lightfoot, Raman Nevile, Fleet Manager for Comex 2000, said: “As a business, we are focused on adopting technology that provides appropriate learning and development opportunities to our employees, so that they can operate in an environmentally responsible manner. We’re also committed to preventing work-related injury and ill health through the elimination of hazards and management of significant risks and opportunities for our workers. 

“Lightfoot was selected for trial as it coaches drivers in real time and has a reputation for reducing carbon emissions and accidents on the road. I’m pleased to say it didn’t disappoint. The change has been significant and positive, transforming the relationship between the driver and their vehicle. It has dramatically improved driving styles across our business and has cut fuel-sapping and environmentally damaging harsh acceleration habits by 56%. Our drivers feel more included and are making a positive difference.”   

Raman added: “Today, thanks to the live in-cab alerts and a desire among our drivers to unlock access to Lightfoot’s rewards and cash prizes, the proportion of our drivers achieving ‘Elite Driver’ status has risen from just 40% to 89%. We also run internal departmental and depot leagues with Amazon vouchers as prizes, further enhancing engagement and positive competition. The outcome is a driver-led, self-managed solution that delivers a smoother, safer style of driving fleet-wide, reducing incidents on the roads, vehicle damage, wear and tear, and fuel use.” 

Paul Hollick, Managing Director of Lightfoot, commented: “Comex 2000 is driven by a commitment to reduce its impact on the environment, at the same time as enhancing the safety of its staff and other road users. That’s where our self-managed, driver-focused technology and progressive telematics comes into its own, producing users that are motivated to drive with greater care week-in and week-out. That’s driving change for the better one mile at a time. It’s what sets Lightfoot apart as a game changer in fleet management.”