
Lightfoot partners with Brake, the road safety charity

Lightfoot is proud to announce a new partnership with Brake, supporting the vital work they do every day to make the UK’s roads safer for everyone.

A national charity, Brake is dedicated to ending the tragedy of road deaths and injuries, championing road safety, raising awareness, and supporting those affected by road accidents. As fleet technology specialists with a focus on driver safety, these values closely align with our own and we’re delighted to be named as official supporters of Brake after following their campaigns for several years.

Road safety continues to be a major issue in the UK, with someone killed on Britain’s roads once every 5 hours. By supporting Brake, we’ll help fund their work to care for road crash victims and to campaign for safer road conditions for all users, from motorists and pedestrians through to cyclists and horse riders.

Commenting on the new partnership, Brake had this to say: “We see first-hand every day the carnage on our roads, and it’s the support of organisations like Lightfoot that makes it possible for us to campaign for change and be there for road victims. We’d like to thank them for joining us as a new Brake supporter.”

Paul Hollick, Lightfoot’s Managing Director, added: “Brake’s mission to radically improve road safety ties in exactly with Lightfoot’s own commitment to boost fleet safety and reduce driver risk. This is an important partnership that will allow both organisations to focus on what matters – promoting safer driving and putting a stop to tragedies on the UK’s roads.”